The Frame - Imaduwa Galle

The Frame - Imaduwa Galle

A Joyful Doggy Adventure

Embarking on a journey with our doggy bears  is a rollercoaster ride, especially when searching for a dog-friendly haven. Some places that caged or banished dogs to the outdoors for sleep. However, we understand their hesitations, as some pet owners disregard rules and regulations. So, when we show up with three dogs instead of one, it challenges the norms of "normal" human behaviour! 


But, we've been blessed. Our travels have introduced us to kind-hearted humans who share our love for dogs. They shower our pups with love, and we have no complaints about these extraordinary encounters.

At the top of our list was The Frame, a destination that captured our hearts. Seeing another dog mom enjoying her holiday with her furry companion fueled our desire for a similar experience. This time, we were joined by a dear friend and her precious pooch, adding more excitement to our adventure. Our four-legged family members—Tayo, Lisa, Mango, and Sukhee—adapted effortlessly, embracing the joy of exploration.


The Frame stood tall on scaffolding, offering a unique perspective on life's simple pleasures. Our dogs freely roamed the property, always coming back when called. The living room provided a comfortable space for them to unwind, with non-slippery floors ensuring their safety.

When embarking on a journey, we come prepared. We pack extra bed sheets for our dogs, ensuring they have familiar comforts. Essential supplies such as shampoos, towels, medicine, treats, beds, toys, tissues, and disinfectant spray accompany us. Our medical box is stocked with various items to ensure our dogs' well-being.

The meals at The Frame! Mr. Andre, the caretaker, showered our dogs with love. Tayo, in particular, followed him closely, wagging her tail in anticipation. Mr. Andre ensured the safety of our doggies  as we explored the property. The balcony overlooked a lush paddy field, where Mango enjoyed barking at peacocks and cows. The meals were mouthwatering, prepared by Mr. Andre and his assistant, catering to both humans and dogs.


Above all, the owners' hospitality and commitment to accommodating our doggy bears  touched our hearts. The Frame, nestled in enchanting Immaduwa, exemplified a true pet-friendly haven. Despite the challenges of reaching the location, Mr. Andre's unwavering support eased our worries. Our dogs, accustomed to long rides, reveled in the journey.

As the wind rushed through the windows, Mango relished the joy of adventure. Lisa remained composed, snoozing until our arrival or a quick break. Tayo, our spirited explorer, moved restlessly, always eager for new experiences. These antics brought us immense delight on our journey.

The night before, we ensured our dogs were fed, and we set off early, excited for a delightful breakfast together. Treats were always on hand to keep our furry ambassadors happy. Packed with memories and laughter, our journey included fresh dog food, bed sheets, shampoos, and medical supplies. The sprawling property allowed our dogs to revel in freedom, forging bonds with their new friend.

As their paws scampered across the land, our hearts overflowed with joy. This adventure will forever hold a special place in our memories. Stay tuned for more enchanting tales and heartwarming adventures on the Tayo Bear Blog. Farewell to The Frame, but we eagerly await our return to this extraordinary escapade with our beloved companions

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